Check out this motivational speech about why love is the only (best) way to communicate by David Flood. 💕#FeelGoodFriday #Love
Monthly Archives: September 2018
Free Bathroom Routine Visuals
These free bathroom routine visuals from Teaching Mama are helpful to students who are learning all the steps involved when using the bathroom. 🚽 #PottyTraining
Teaching in the Shadow of Trauma
When teachers get a so-called “problem child” in class, it’s crucial to ask, “What is causing this behavior to manifest? What is occurring in this child’s life that we can’t see?” This article from Teaching Tolerance talks about teaching in the shadow of trauma. #TeachingTolerance
Fine Motor & Logic Skills Freebie!
If you are looking for a one page printable to challenge fine motor and logic skills, check out this freebie from Your Therapy Source! #OTTipTuesday
Fall Fun Freebie-Synonyms, Antonyms, Multiple Meanings and Following Directions
Fall is here! Grab this fall freebie from Mrs. H’s Speech Therapy Room that targets Synonyms, Antonyms, Multiple Meaning Words and Following Directions! #FallisHere
Special Needs Class Doing The Baby Shark Challenge
Check out this special needs class in Louisiana doing the baby shark challenge. The students loved the song and doing the dance! 🦈#FeelGoodFriday #BabySharkChallenge
Video Modeling Ideas to Help Students Transition Between Activities
Check out these video modeling ideas to help your students transition between activities from Your Therapy Source. #BackToSchool
Heavy Work Tasks List
Need ideas for heavy work tasks for your students? Here is a FREE and very helpful list. #OTTipTuesday
September 19th-Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Ahoy Matey! September 19th is talk like a pirate day. Check out these fun pirate activities from The Pedi Speechie to use with your kiddos in speech and language therapy. #AhoyMatey #TalkLikeAPirateDay