In this heartwarming video, a 9 year old boy with muscular dystrophy joins Purdue University Northwest’s men’s soccer team. ⚽️ #AllAreWelcome #MuscularDystrophy
Monthly Archives: August 2019
A School Psych’s Favorite Books, Supplies and Tools
In this blog post from The Calming Corner, a School Psychologist recommends her favorite books, supplies, and tools to help make your job easier! #SchoolPsychologist #SchoolPsych
Toys & Activities to Target Core Vocabulary
Core words make up 80% of our day-to-day discourse. Expanding core vocabulary is extremely important with AAC users. In this blog post, Denise from Speech Language Pirates offers suggestions for toy and activities to target core vocabulary. #SLPeeps #SLPLife #AAC #CoreVocab
School From a Special Education Student Perspective
In this video, special needs students give their perspectives on experiences at school. Their thoughts reaffirm the importance of special educators who help them realize their potential and importance in the world. #SpecialNeeds #FeelGoodFriday
Quick Articulation Tip for the /r/ Sound
Top 10 Reasons to Love Being a School Psychologist
As the new school year begins, it is important to reflect on why you chose to work in an educational setting. This blog post from School Psychologist Fileslists the top 10 reasons one school psychologist loves her job! #BackToSchool #SchoolPsychologist #SchoolPsych
Tips From an OT on Back to School
As kids are heading back to school, parents are buying backpacks and school supplies. Before you buy, consider these tips from Speech and OT of North Texas when making your final selections. ✏️📘 #BackToSchool #OTTipTuesday
Welcome to Our New CFs!
Pizzability – A Place for All Abilities
Pizzability is a restaurant in Denver, CO where everyone is welcome and individuals of all abilities can sit back and enjoy a meal. 🍕 #FeelGoodFriday #AllAbilities
How to Become an Exceptional SLP Supervisor!
In this blog post, Super Power Speech provides tips and resources for becoming an exceptional supervisor to SLPs! #SLPeeps #SLPLife